
RSA factorization
in the real world

Basic subroutines:
Product tree
Remainder tree
Weak primes:
Batch gcd
Small primes:
Batch trial division
Small keys:

Batch trial division

Given a sequence P of primes and a sequence X of nonzero integers, the batch-trial-division algorithm figures out
  • which of the primes in P divide X[0],
  • which of the primes in P divide X[1],
  • which of the primes in P divide X[2],
  • etc.
Standard trial division does the same job by handling each X[i] separately, dividing each X[i] by each P[j]. Batch trial division is much faster.

How it works

Batch trial division has four steps:
  • Use a product tree to efficiently compute the product x = X[0]X[1]X[2]...
  • Use a remainder tree to efficiently figure out which of the primes divide x. Remove the other primes from P: those primes can't divide any of the original integers.
  • If X has only a single element, print the new P and stop.
  • Recursively apply batch trial division to the first and second halves of X, in both cases using the new P.
The Sage code has three layers. The first layer, primesin, reads a sequence P of primes and an integer x, and returns the list of primes in P that divide x:
     def primesin(P,x):
       result = remainders(x,P)
       return [p for p,r in zip(P,result) if r == 0]
The second layer, primesinproduct, reads a sequence P of primes and a sequence X, and returns the list of primes in P that divide the product of the elements of X:
     def primesinproduct(P,X):
       return primesin(P,product(X))
The third layer, primesineach, is the complete batch-trial-division algorithm, returning for each X[i] the list of primes in P that divide X[i]:
     def primesineach(P,X):
       n = len(X)
       if n == 0: return []
       P = primesinproduct(P,X)
       if n == 1: return [P]
       return primesineach(P,X[:n//2]) + primesineach(P,X[n//2:])

     # example:
     P = list(primes(2,10))
     X = [50,157,266,377,490,605]
     print primesineach(P,X)
     # output: [[2, 5], [], [2, 7], [], [2, 5, 7], [5]]
     # double check:
     print [[p for p in P if x%p==0] for x in X]
     # output: [[2, 5], [], [2, 7], [], [2, 5, 7], [5]]

Version: This is version 2012.12.27 of the batchtrial.html web page.